“Keep the body strong and healthy, keep the mind serene and calm – these are the philosophies of yoga.” ~ C. Subramaniam

I prefer to work in smaller groups (usually no more than 10 students), so that I can give individual attention when it is needed. When learning yoga asanas or poses, the first step is starting to combine breath and movements – this demands concentration and so gradually you also learn how to focus the mind. Practices are designed to invigorate and relax the body and the postures complement one another, leaving you feeling worked but also refreshed. I also teach breath control techniques (pranayama) and, as classes progress, meditation.

Classes normally work on a half-termly basis and a theme is developed over the successive weeks.

If you would like more information or would like to come and try a class, please get in touch.

 Current weekly classes:

Tuesday: Intermediate Class 6.45-8.15 pm- Redhill School, Haverfordwest


Therapy Yoga: 1.00-2.00 – Bloomfield Centre, Narberth

Intermediate Class : 6.30–8.00pm – Curtis House, St David’s


Intermediate Class: 9.30-11.00am- Paul Sartori, Winch Lane, Haverfordwest


Intermediate Class: 9.30-10.45am – Bloomfield Centre, Narberth

Level I Class: 11.00-12.15pm – Bloomfield Centre, Narberth



Friday 20th March- Sunday 22nd St Non’s Retreat, St David’s, Pembrokeshire. A weekend retreat set on the cliffs and an opportunity to immerse yourself in yoga. 

Friday 22nd November 2019: Fundraising workshop for period poverty. A stilling and relaxing practice, appropriate to the time of year and an opportunity to reflect on how yoga can affect the world around us. All proceeds will go to buy reusable sanitary towels for schoolgirls on Chole Island, Tanzania.

Saturday 10th August 2019: Summer Stillness 9.30am-12.30pm. A workshop to offer practices, breath work and meditation to bring a sense of calm and serenity. Uzmaston Hall, Haverfordwest.

Saturday 29th June 2019: Spring into Summer 9.30am-12.30pm. A workshop to help you steer towards a healthy routine for the summer. Uzmaston Hall, Haverfordwest.

Saturday 6th January, 2017: 10.00am–1.00pm
Detox and Transform – a Yoga Workshop to start the New Year

Redhill Preparatory school. Haverfordwest.

After Christmas and New Year it is a good time to look after the fire energy in the body which can become depleted by overconsumption and too much partying! The workshop will be an opportunity to start the year with some energising yoga practices and with some practical ways to set a good routine for the new year in place as well as clearing out Christmas excess.

To book, please contact me.