To get a flavour of how I work, here are some quotes from people I have worked with:

Practising yoga over the past seven years has allowed me gradually to become aware of imbalances in my life. I haven’t consciously set out to change them, it’s more that yoga has been the framework which has allowed this to happen.

Crucially, Bethan’s classes introduced us first to the practice of working with the breath. Through this I learned, eventually, to pay attention to my body, and became aware of how the ways in which I habitually used it were contributing to its stiffness, and that my body was reflecting to me a lack of balance, and a need for change.

The discipline of daily practice took a long time to get used to, but was vital in allowing old habits to change, and despite moving to a different area, I still prioritise my daily practice, and continue to learn, change and benefit from it on several levels – it’s the grounding element in my life. Daily yoga practice allows me each morning to remember who I am.

I’m not entirely sure how this unexpected shift came about but I’ve no doubt that it’s largely down to Bethan’s clear teaching, integrity and inspiration, combined always with a light touch that made classes fun – firmness with ease, I think, is one way she might put it.

~ Jill Webster

I was referred to Bethan by an osteopath, Richard Blacklaw-Jones. I was experiencing very bad back ache in my lower and upper back and also had a bad body shape. Over a few weeks, Bethan introduced me to Yoga – each week introducing a new exercise and within two months my back ache had totally disappeared and I was walking with a new and much improved posture. The lessons were always great fun and were tailored specifically to my needs and to my understanding. I found the practices to be rewarding and I always looked forward to doing them. I can’t recommend Bethan enough!

~ Michael Walker

I have been attending Bethan’s yoga classes for many years and have had a lot of fun and laughter that has stemmed from in and around the classes, and many new friends have been made. The classes themselves have been taught from a place of great depth and understanding of yoga which can only be learnt from years of self practice and reflection, Bethan is a brilliant coach and I feel safe and happy in her classes to trust in her wealth of knowledge around this subject. I’d happily recommend her classes or one to one sessions to any one, whether you’re a couch potato or a fit good looking surfer! Yoga has helped me in so many ways, not only do I love the feeling of my body feeling supple and toned, it also helps me to feel more balanced and centred in my day to day life. Yoga has been a life line to happiness, freeing up my mind, body and hopefully soul 🙂

~ Sarah Middleton

I started yoga in the hope that I could still my mind and be present. Bethan has taught us to focus on the breath during our yoga sessions alongside our movements and as a result my breath automatically slows at times of anxiety. Bethan is a wonderful teacher who has years of experience and as a result her lessons can move organically and adapt to individual needs as they occur. I have yet to come out of one of our lessons and not feel calmer and more supple as a result. I now recommend yoga to everybody.

~ Meryl Lovegrove

Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed these past few terms and how much I feel I have learned and grown in my yoga journey under your instruction. The detailed chakras work has been a real awakening, and your reading last night about Kundalini was very insightful. Continue what you are doing! Your teaching continues to lead me on new paths.

~ Wendy Hale

The improvement in my yoga practice is largely due to my one-to-one yoga sessions with Bethan. She tailors the practice to my specific needs and her encouragement is always uplifting. Her on-going personal support is invaluable.

~ Sue Gabriel

I’ve had issues with my back for a number of years and after visiting various physiotherapists and osteopaths I decided that it was best to become proactive as opposed to reactive.

I felt slightly daunted by attending a yoga class as it was all new to me and a bit of the unknown. I therefore opted to visit Bethan for a one-to-one session where she introduced me to the principles of yoga, talked me through my various issues and designed a routine to help strengthen my back and ultimately make me more flexible.

This initial one-to-one session then gave me the confidence to attend one of her beginners classes. I would highly recommend a one-to-one session with Bethan and only wish I’d done it earlier in my life.

~ Richard Llewellin

Bethan has led our exam stress sessions with a group of Year 11 Girls. The girls all enrolled as they were anxious about exams and wanted techniques for remaining calm leading up to their exam period. Bethan did a series of workshops with them focusing on key areas of exam stress from relaxation, breathing techniques, and meditation. The girls from the group have found the experience invaluable and have been using the techniques both in the exam room and whilst waiting to go in – they can very often be seen counting their breaths! Bethan was calm, patient and delivered the sessions to the ability of the pupils she had in front of her. Bethan also gave an introduction to the sessions to parents who attended an Exam stress evening so they could gain knowledge and understanding of the sessions available to their children. I cannot thank her enough for all the help she has given them.

~ Nik Sizer, Progress Manager Year 11, Milford Haven School

Bethan is an inspirational yoga teacher with a wealth of knowledge to aid you on a positive track in life!
~ Caroline Howe